Best Paper Awards at International Conferences and Symposia

  1. [2022] Best Paper Award at IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium. Virtual Conference, Japan.
  2. [2021] Best Paper Honorable Mention at IEEE Symposium for Large-scale Data Analysis & Visualization. Virtual Conference, USA.
  3. [2019] Best Paper Award at ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference, SC'19, Denver, USA.
  4. [2016] Best Paper Award at IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.
  5. [2011] Best Paper Award at IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, Hong Kong.

Excellence in Publication and Outstanding Contribution Awards

  1. [2022] PLS Directorate Award for Excellence in Publication, LLNL, Livermore, USA.
  2. [2020] Deputy Director's Award for Science & Technology Excellence in Publication, LLNL, Livermore, USA.
  3. [2020] Spot Award for Outstanding contributions in Center for Applied Scientific Computing, LLNL, Livermore, USA.
  4. [2019] Deputy Director's Awardfor Science & Technology Excellence in Publication, LLNL, Livermore, USA.
  5. [2018] Deputy Director's Awardfor Science & Technology Excellence in Publication, LLNL, Livermore, USA.
  6. [2018] Spot Award for Outstanding contributions in Center for Applied Scientific Computing, LLNL, Livermore, USA.

Other Awards at National and International Levels

  1. [2014] Invitation to participate in the 2nd Heidelberg Laureate Forum (attendance by invitation only), Heidelberg, Germany.
  2. [2012] 4-year graduate fellowship awarded by Livermore Graduate Scholar Program, LLNL, Livermore, USA.
  3. [2007] 3rd prize in the RedHat Challenge for technical-business idea (1st MIT, USA; 2nd McGill Univ., Canada), Online.
  4. [2006] 1st prize in 'Catechise' --- the networking quiz. Gandhinagar, India.
  5. [2005] Among top 5 projects in DA Developer Program: RPG design for Java-enabled CDMA phones. Gandhinagar, India.
  6. [2005] 3rd prize in Osmosis technical paper contest, Bangalore, India.
  7. [2002] All India rank 93 in the National Science Olympiad (high-school level), India.
  8. [2001] All India rank 124 in the National Science Olympiad (high-school level), India.